Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Week Where... I Clowned Around!


This week hasn't exactly been very exciting although right now, even though extremely tired, I am feeling good.

I went for an eye appointment and I can safely say my eyesight is wonderful. There was only the tiniest bit of deterioration. Perhaps that'll mean I'll need glasses for reading when 50. Thats the only thing I can remember previous to this past week which shows my memory is shocking or perhaps I am too tired to think.

Last Sunday I went for an applicant day at the university I have been considering. It was quite an anxious day for me, especially the thought of having to be separated from my mother to participate in a taster session which was 2 hours and 45 minutes long (all the other course taster sessions were only an hour long!) with random strangers. Not an environment I thrive in. So we went for the course talk and then left. University does seem exciting but I realise it isn't for me. I wouldn't enjoy living with other students. I wouldn't enjoy the having to go to classes and do assignments. Not anymore. I do love learning but I think I've changed how I want to learn things after 3 harrowing years of A levels. I've been asking myself what I really want. I still don't know but right now I do know that I don't think university is right for me. I am excited about my future with the one I love. I stopped being excited about the course I wanted to take because it would take minimum 8 years to fully qualify and I realised I did not want to spend that long in education. So, my plan is (at the moment) to pursue a career in veterinary nursing (although there is a possible apprenticeship opportunity to be an assistant practitioner which I will apply to and see how far I get) and for now, get a full time job until I can apply for a suitable course next academic year. A job which gives me skills in the industry (or similar) to which I want to work in. Basically, I want a job in a lab.

After that hefty paragraph, not much is left to say. I worked a bit this week and even went dressed as a clown for comic relief! I bought a bow tie for 25p and some red braces for 99p at the charity shop. Then I bought face paint for £1.50. The other clothes I already owned and boom, I was a clown. With a funky hairstyle and a bit of help from my boyfriend who suddenly became a makeup artist I was ready to go. I got a few funny looks, a few people asking what was going on and a few little girls saying "mummy, that lady has pink hearts on her cheeks." They then proceeded to point out all the other colours on my face including my blue eyebrows. I also got called cute A LOT. A woman even said if I went out tonight i'd be getting free drinks all night looking like that. And a male co-worker said if he was my boyfriend he would be happy (boyfriend wasn't pleased with that comment). I tell you, never EVER have I gotten so many compliments on my appearance and I was a CLOWN!!! Typical.

Wednesday and Thursday I saw my friend. We went out for some food Wednesday evening and decided to go shopping on the Thursday together. She also had a doctors appointment so I sat in the car expecting to be sat there 20 minutes at the most (we were bang on time for her appointment). I was sat there for an hour. I wasted an hour of my life. However, shopping was good even though I bought things which weren't necessary.

Sunday (which is tomorrow as I am writing this Saturday evening) will perhaps be a relaxing day. I think I'll begin applying for jobs and I know I am going to visit my boyfriend in the evening. I've got quite a few busy weeks coming up. Some highlights include: a doctors appointment, lots of work, visiting my Dad, visiting Dottie, visiting my brother and finally, boyfriends birthday.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

Emma x

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