Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Week Where... There's Cake!

Hello, my lovelies!

I cannot believe that it's been three weeks since I last sat down to write one of these. I say that every week though, I'm sure! We last caught up when I was stressed about a deadline. Well, I got the work done, even if it wasn't up to my usual standard. There was a lot going on so I've excused myself there. I get my grade back soon so I'll keep you posted on how I'm doing.

It's currently Easter Sunday and I got up early this morning to bake a beautiful mini egg chocolate cake! I'm quite proud of it, to be honest. It looked much prettier than I was expecting, even if it is a bit too big to be delicate and pretty. It took eight eggs to make the cake mix, eight! That's twice the amount of batter I make for 18 cupcakes!

I've actually had a few pretty good weeks. My boyfriend and I took his friend climbing for the first time, which was really fun! I discovered that I'm not terrible at explaining things, and it was great that I got to show off a bit in front of someone who had just started climbing! It's great. I'm looking forward to going again soon, I'm utterly hooked!

Other than uni (which is stressing me out at the moment, I've got five hefty assignments due in May and I have started precisely none of them), I've been working my regular 16 hours each week, nothing eventful there.

The wonderful Emma came to visit me on Wednesday and I think that has been the highlight of my week! It was so exciting to show her my favourite book shop (books floor to ceiling - yes please!) and just how lovely Bath is. Unfortunately, it was also really busy so it was quite a draining day, but lovely nonetheless. Thank you!

In terms of how I've been feeling, things have been strange. The weather has been rapidly improving but my mood hasn't. It's odd because sunny days almost always make me feel a million times better than rainy ones. I think it's because of a few things.

Firstly, stress. I've had quite a few writing projects to tackle recently, from album and gig reviews to researching uni assignments. It's getting to me now, and I'm starting to get stress-related headaches.

This leads me on to my second reason for sads - spots. I think a combination of stress, poor sleep, hormones, and unhealthy foods is making me break out really badly. It doesn't bother me usually but little things add up and it's not fun at the moment.

And finally, I haven't been able to exercise much recently. My boyfriend and I both have clashing schedules and we haven't been able to climb in the last few weeks. I've had no energy or time for yoga and it's just making me feel a bit icky.

I'm going to be taking a break from the music journo stuff over the month of May which will lighten the workload considerably, and I'm planning on tackling my hefty assignments over my Easter break, which has just started. So all will be well.

I miss you both, I cannot wait to see you. I hope your Easters have been lovely.

All my love,

Dottie x

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